Habeli Offset Butterfly Valve Vs.Triple Offset Butterfly Valve: Papiso e Feletseng

Lefapheng la li-valve tsa indasteri, li-valve tsa serurubele li sebelisoa haholo liindastering tse sa tšoaneng tse kang oli le khase, phekolo ea metsi, ts'ebetso ea lik'hemik'hale, joalo-joalo Har'a mefuta e sa tšoaneng ea li-valve tsa serurubele, mefuta e 'meli e etellang pele: li-valve tse peli tsa eccentric butterfly valve le triple eccentric. serurubele belofo.Papisong ena e akaretsang, re tla shebisisa moralo, melemo, mathata le ts'ebeliso ea li-valve tsena tse peli.

double offset butterfly valve vs triple offset butterfly valve

Belofo ea serurubele sa Offset habeli

Joalo ka ha lebitso le fana ka maikutlo, li-valve tsa serurubele tse habeli li na le li-offsets tse peli: ea pele ke eccentricity ea shaft, ke hore, thipa ea axis ea shaft ho tloha bohareng ba liphaephe, 'me ea bobeli ke eccentricity ea tiiso, ke hore, geometry ea valve disc seal.Moqapi ona o na le melemo le mathata a bohlokoa.

 double offset butterfly valve design

Melemo ea habeli eccentric serurubele valve

 1. Ho fokotseha ho apara

Morero oa moralo oa shaft eccentricity ke ho fokotsa khohlano lipakeng tsa poleiti ea valve le setulo sa valve nakong ea ho bula le ho koala, ka hona ho fokotsa ho khathala le ho fokotsa kotsi ea ho lutla.E ka boela ea lelefatsa bophelo ba valve ea serurubele le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa tlhokomelo. 

2. Ho tiisa ho matlafatsa

Eccentricity ea bobeli e etsa hore sebaka sa ho tiisa se kopane le setulo sa valve feela karolong ea ho qetela ea ho koala, e sa tiiseng feela tiiso e tiileng, empa hape e laola ka katleho sehare.

3. Torque e fokotsehileng

Moetso o habeli o fokotsa khohlano, e leng ho fokotsang matla a hlokahalang ho bula le ho koala valve ea serurubele.

4. Ho tiisoa ha mahlakore a mabeli

Li-valve tsa serurubele tse eccentric tse habeli li ka fana ka tiiso ea mahlakore a mabeli, tse lumellang ho phalla ha mahlakore a mabeli, 'me li bonolo ho kenya le ho sebelisoa.


Mathata a li-valve tsa serurubele tse habeli tse eccentric: 

1. Litšenyehelo tse phahameng

Moralo o tsoetseng pele le lisebelisoa tsa li-valve tsa serurubele tse habeli ka kakaretso li baka litšenyehelo tse phahameng tsa tlhahiso ha li bapisoa le li-valve tsa serurubele sa centerline. 

2. Ho lahleheloa ke khatello ea metsi ho feta

Ka lebaka la poleiti e teteaneng e habeli ea eccentric valve, setulo sa valve se hlahelletseng, le liphaseje tse tšesaane, khatello ea metsi e lahleheloang ke valve ea serurubele e ka eketseha. 

3. Mocheso o fokolang oa mocheso

Li-valve tsa serurubele sa eccentric habeli li ka fokotsoa ha u sebetsana le mocheso o tlase haholo kapa mocheso o phahameng oa mocheso hobane lisebelisoa tse sebelisoang li kanna tsa se mamelle mocheso o feteletseng.

Triple Offset butterfly valve

Belofo ea serurubele sa triple offset e emela tsoelopele e 'ngoe ea moralo oa li-valve tsa serurubele ka li-offsets tse tharo.Motheong oa eccentric habeli, eccentricity ea boraro ke offset ea axis bapisoa le bohareng ba 'mele oa valve.Moralo ona o mocha ke monyetla o ikhethang ho feta belofo ea serurubele se bohareng.

triple offset butterfly valve design 

Melemo ea li-valve tsa lirurubele tse tharo tse eccentric

1. Zero dutla

Sebopeho se ikhethileng sa karolo ea ho tiisa ea valve ea serurubele se nang le eccentric triple se felisa ho ferekana le ho senyeha, ho fella ka tiiso e tiileng bophelong bohle ba valve.

2. Mocheso o phahameng le ho hanyetsa khatello e phahameng

Serurubele sa all-metal triple eccentric butterfly valve le serurubele sa multilayer triple eccentric butterfly se khona ho sebetsana le mocheso o phahameng le maro a khatello e phahameng.

3. Moralo o thibelang mollo

Lisebelisoa tsohle tsa triple eccentric butterfly valve li ka kopana le litekanyetso tse thata tse sa cheng, tsa etsa hore e be tse ikhethang lits'ebetsong tse sa cheng.

4. Torque e tlase le khohlano

The triple eccentric butterfly valve e ka fokotsa le ho feta torque e sebetsang le likhohlano, ka hona ea fihlela ts'ebetso e boreleli, ea fokotsa torque le ho lelefatsa bophelo ba ts'ebeletso.

5. Mefuta e mengata ea lisebelisoa

The triple eccentric butterfly valve e loketse mefuta e fapaneng ea ts'ebeliso, ho kenyeletsoa oli le khase, petrochemical, tlhahiso ea matla le liindasteri tsa ho hloekisa.


Mefokolo ea li-valve tsa lirurubele tse tharo tse eccentric

1. Litšenyehelo tse phahameng

The triple eccentric butterfly valve e atisa ho ba le litšenyehelo tse holimo tsa tlhahiso ea pele ka lebaka la moralo le sebopeho sa eona se tsoetseng pele.

2. Ho lahleheloa ke hlooho e phahameng hanyenyane

Ho fokotseha ho eketsehileng ka moralo oa makhetlo a mararo ho ka fella ka tahlehelo e phahameng ea hlooho ho feta valve e habeli ea eccentric.


Double eccentric butterfly valve VS triple eccentric butterfly valve

1. Setulo sa valve

Setulo sa valve sa valve ea serurubele se nang le eccentric habeli hangata se kenngoa ka har'a groove holim'a poleiti ea valve 'me se entsoe ka rabara e kang EPDM, kahoo e ka finyella tiiso e thibelang moea, empa ha e tšoanelehe bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa mocheso o phahameng haholo.Setulo sa li-valve sa triple eccentric butterfly valve ke tšepe eohle kapa e nang le mefuta e mengata, kahoo se loketse mocheso o phahameng kapa maro a senyang.

setulo sa belofo ea serurubele habeli
triple offset serurubele belofo setulo

2. Litšenyehelo

Ebang ke litšenyehelo tsa moralo kapa ho rarahana ha mokhoa oa ho etsa tlhahiso, li-valve tsa serurubele sa eccentric tse tharo li phahame ho feta li-valve tsa serurubele tse habeli.Leha ho le joalo, khafetsa ea ho lokisoa ha li-valve tse tharo tsa eccentric e tlase ho feta ea li-valve tse habeli.

3. Torque

Morero oa mantlha oa moralo oa li-valve tsa serurubele tse tharo ke ho fokotsa ho tsofala le ho hohlana.Ka hona, torque ea valve ea serurubele sa eccentric e nyane ho feta ea valve ea serurubele sa eccentric habeli.